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Ukrainian Drohnen have set up a treibstofflager in the central Russian region of Oryol in Brand. Who is the governor of the region, Andrej Klytschkow, in the Messaging-App Telegram, has a “Großangriff” on an infrastructure infrastructure aimed at the treibstoff in Brand. Zudem het part van de abgeschossenen Drohnen die Verglasung mehrerer Privathäuser beschädigt. In social networks, videos show explosions and fires.
The Ukrainian Generalstab has reported more information about the issue in the Donezk area. Laut dem jüngsten Lagebericht kam es in de Laufe des Freitags entlang der gesamten Front zu 190 Zusammenstößen. Schwerpunkt-wardemnach der Abschnitt Pokrowsk, wed Russian Truppen 56 Vorstöße unternahmen. Ebenfalls has waged a war with the Abschnitt Swiss Donezk and Saporischschja in southern Ukraine, where 34 Russian Angriffs gab. 26 Angriffe were reported at Kurachowe. The Angaben welds cannot be hung.
The Commander of the Ukrainian Army Group Donezk, Brigadier General Olexander Luzenko, has been discharged after further empfindlichen Lower Layers. Posts are more Ukrainian media. Who has the Internet portal “Ukrajinska Prawda” has made a call in the Streitkräften messages, where the Brigadier General Olexander Tarnawskyj ersetzt. Offiziell wurde der Personalwechsel bislang nor nicht involved.
The Krise of the Ukrainian Truppen in the East of the Landes is in the past Wochen verschärft. The war for the front is a strategic war between the city of Pokrowsk and Kurachowe. Kurachowe is part of the Russian Truppen that have to go a step further for the fall. The Ukrainian people are drying out the einkesselung.
After the strategic interests of the Russian government favored a sharp expansion of Ukrainian trade, these messages would now no longer be at war. Dadurch did not dream of the Umfassung of Pokrowsk, but about another Russian Truppen in Richtung Dnipro (Russian Dnipropetrowsk).
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